As the voice of the real economy we deliver tools and services that enable SMEs to survive and thrive.

SMEs comprise an estimated 80% of employment in many countries and collectively employ billions of people. They are the backbone of the global economy and are fundamental to the day-to-day provision of goods and services around the world.

As the voice of the real economy, SMEs need the right tools to deliver tools and services, access to capital including short-term liquidity to help finance their trade operations, and connection to international trade to and seize new business opportunities globally. ICC is taking bold action to ensure that SMEs worldwide have the support and assistance needed to survive external shocks and succeed in today’s rapidly changing global economy

ICC Provides the following tools and services to SME’s
ATA Carnet – Qatar Chamber
ATA Carnet is an international customs document that permits duty-free and tax-free temporary import of goods for up to one year and serves as a g...
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Your Measure to Become Greener and Competitive
ICC G20 CEO Advisory Group
a global business initiative aimed at delivering policy input to the G20 process