ICC Dispute Resolution Bulletin 2024-1


ISBN: 978-92-842-0671-1

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Message from Claudia Salomon, President of the ICC International Court of Arbitration Global Developments New legislation and decisions in the US, Azerbaijan, China, India, Israel, Ukraine, the UK and UAE. Case Decisions Emergency Arbitrator Proceedings under the ICC Rules – An Update ICC Commission reports Navigating the ESG Labyrinth – What Roles will Arbitration and ADR Play? ICC DRS Activities ICC-FIDIC joint conference; ICC Institute SME Lab on construction contracts and ICC construction arbitration training; 21st ICC Miami Conference on international arbitration; Belt and Road High Level Dialogue on how to promote further development of the BRI; 12th ITA-IEL-ICC international energy arbitration conference, ICC DRS Africa Business Talks and ICC YAAF during ICC South African arbitration and ADR days; and the annual ICC Mediation Roundtable on the future of mediation. Book Reviews ICC Institute Dossiers XX and XXI on rethinking the paradigm in international arbitration and the new contents of international public policy; and ‘The Technological Competence of Arbitrators’

Code ISBN : 978-92-842-0671-1 Number of pages : 176 Publishing date : 2024-05-01 Language : English

CONTENTS Claudia Salomon Message from the President Julien Fouret and Yasmine Lahlou Welcome from the Editors-in-Chief Yves Derains In Memoriam Ibrahim Fadlallah (1942-2024) Anne-Marie Whitesell and Louis Epstein In Memoriam Gerald ‘Jerry’ Aksen (1930-2024) Shashank Garg In Memoriam Fali S. Nariman (1929-2024) GLOBALDEVELOPMENTS Andrew Poplinger and Thomas Hildebrand United States Two Recent New York Federal Court Decisions Highlight the Federal Circuit Split on Whether the McCarren-Ferguson Act Allows State Insurance Laws to Override the New York Convention Kamalia Mehtiyeva Azerbaijan New Arbitration Law: Can the Spring Rise Higher than the Source? Fredrik Lindmark and Mengdi Zhou China Court Confirms ‘Seat Standard’ and IBA Guidelines/Rules in Setting Aside Proceedings Shivani Singhal India Supreme Court Upholds the Validity of the Group of Companies Doctrine but Sets a High Threshold for its Application Sheila Ahuja, Arun Mal and Aashna Agarwal India Supreme Court Resolves a Long-Running Debate over the Enforceability of Arbitration Agreements Contained in Unstamped Contracts Samantha Nataf and Asaf Niemoj Israel Adoption of the New International Commercial Arbitration Law based on the UNCITRAL Model Law Oleksii Maslov and Illia Ivanusa Ukraine BPP v Grain Power—Supreme Court Tackles Outdated Restriction of Subjective Arbitrability and Effect of Arbitration Agreements on Third Parties Rajesh Pillai KC and Anca Bunda United Kingdom Nigeria v P&ID—Must the Court Safeguard the Rule of Law in Arbitrations? Nayiri Boghossian United Arab Emirates A Five-Year Round Up since the Promulgation of the 2018 Arbitration Law CASE DECISIONS Sébastien Besson Emergency Arbitrator Proceedings under the ICC Rules —An Update Annex ICCCOMMISSION REPORTS Angeline Welsh KC Navigating the ESG Labyrinth—What Role Will Arbitration and ADR Play? ICCDRS ACTIVITIES Yann Schneller and Monica Labelle ICC - FIDIC Conference on International Construction Contracts and Dispute Resolution ICC Institute SME Lab on International Construction Contracts and the ICC Construction Arbitration Training Sybille de Rosny-Schwebel and Valentina Riccardi ICC Institute SME Lab on International Contracts: ‘A Practical Guide for SMEs on Avoiding Risk in Construction Contracts’ Dr. Ileana M. Smeureanu and Alina Leoveanu ICC Construction Arbitration Training Verónica Esquivel Patiño, Belén Moreno, Gustavo Santos Kulesza, Ricardo Ampuero Llerena, Karina Goldberg, Ana María Rincón, Erick Clavel, Eugenie Rogers, Alegría Jijón 21st Miami Conference on International Arbitration—Beyond Year 100: Arbitration, ADR and Latin America Ran Zhang and Dr Anran Zhang 6th Belt and Road High-Level Dialogue: International Arbitration to Promote Further Development of the BRI Lisa Wang Lachowicz and Julio Rivera Ríos 12th ITA-IEL-ICC Joint Conference on International Energy Arbitration Diamana Diawara, Mélanie Laloum, Rohitesh Dhawan, Justin Perrettson, Chloé de Jager 2nd ICC South African Arbitration and ADR Days: ICC DRS Africa Business Talks (Ep. 6) and ICC YAAF Gillian Carmichael Lemaire 11th ICC Mediation Roundtable: The Future of Mediation BOOK REVIEWS Prof. Giacomo Rojas Elgueta Rethinking International Arbitration Proceedings towards more Efficient, Cost-Effective, and Accessible Proceedings Dr Guillaume Aréou Contents of International Public Policy through the Prism of Environment and Human Rights: Legal History and Practical Insights Colleen Parker Bacquet What, Why, Who, Where, When: An Answer to the Five W’s of Technological Competence in Arbitration

Editors-in-Chief Julien Fouret Yasmine Lahlou Contributors Claudia Salomon Yasmine Lahlou Yves Derains Anne-Marie Whitesell Louis Epstein Shashank Gang Drew Poplinger Thomas Hildebrand Kamalia Mehtiyeva Fredrik Lindmark Mengdi Zhou Shivani Singhal Sheila Ahuja Arun Mal Aashna Agarwal Oleksii Maslov Illia Ivanusa Samantha Nataf Asaf Niemoj Rajesh Pillai KC Anca Bunda Nayiri Boghossian Sébastien Besson Angeline Welsh Yann Schneller Monica Labelle Dr. Ileana Smeureanu Alina Leovanu Sybille de Rosny-Schwebel Valentina Riccardi Verónica Esquivel Patiño Belén Moreno Gustavo Santos Kulesza Ricardo Ampuero Llerena Karina Goldberg Ana María Rincón Erick Clavel Eugenie Rogers Alegría Jijón Dr. Anran Zhang Ran Zhang Julio Rivera Rios Lisa Wang Lachowicz Diamana Diawara Mélanie Laloum Rohitesh Dhawan Justin Perrettson Chloé de Jager Gillian Carmichael Lemaire Giacomo Rojas Elgueta Guillaume Aérou Colleen Parker