Domain names and new generic top-level domains - SIMPLY IP - Concise notes on IP issues for business

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ISBN: 978-92-842-0279-9

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Domain names are essential identifiers for businesses using the Internet. The advent of a potentially huge number of new generic Top-Level Domains (gTLDs) in the domain name system brings new risks and opportunities for businesses. To help businesses and trademark holders better understand this evolving landscape, this paper provides an overview of the structure of the domain name system, the new gTLD program, and the mechanisms available to defend trademark rights. It answers questions such as: How does the new domain name system work and what are the challenges it poses for trademark owners? What is the difference between applying for a new gTLD and registering a domain name? What is cybersquatting? What sort of Dispute Resolution Procedures (DRP) are available for trademark owners in order to protect themselves? And many more This paper was developed under the auspices of the ICC Commission on Intellectual Property, the voice of business worldwide on intellectual property issues at the cutting edge of international policy-making. The commission works to promote efficient intellectual property systems that support international trade, encourage investment in creation and innovation, and facilitate sustainable economic development.

Code ISBN : 978-92-842-0279-9 Publishing date : 2014 Language : English

The ICC Commission on Intellectual Property wishes to thank Flip Petillion who authored this note. Flip is co-chair of the TLD and Domain Names practice at law firm Crowell & Moring and a member of the ICC Commission on Intellectual Property. Use eBook - How to download an .ascm format ADE eBook?

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